
There is a procedure in Monitor Webshop for creating PunchOut links. The procedure is only shown if you have purchased the PunchOut option.

PunchOut enables purchasing systems to interact with Monitor Webshop. Via a call from their purchasing system, purchasers are automatically logged in to Monitor Webshop. In addition to user information, the call includes details of where the webshop should send product data when the purchase is completed.

When the purchaser has chosen their products in the webshop and is about to confirm, the webshop process is changed. Rather than confirming the order and handling it as normal, the webshop sends the “shopping cart” back to the purchasing system, which thereby receives all the information relating to products, prices, and currencies for the unique needs of this customer.

The data to be sent to the customer’s purchasing system is configured with the help of a PunchOut link.

Create a new PunchOut link:

Regular webshop users are linked to a PunchOut link. Any user belonging to a user group with an active PunchOut link can utilize this solution. We recommend firstly creating one user group per format, to keep things organized. For example: the user groups PunchOut OCI3, PunchOutOCI4, and PunchOutOCI5.

  1. Click Create new.

  2. Give the link a Name – this is only for internal use and is not shown to the user (customer).

  3. Check Active if the link will be active, that is, can be used.

  4. Choose Format – choose the format your customer uses. There is currently support for OCI3, OCI4, and OCI5.

  5. Choose a User group – please note that all users in this user group can log in via PunchOut.

  6. Link the OCI field to the Shopping cart field – this determines what data is sent in the response to the user’s (customer’s) system. Linked to the user’s (customer’s) system according to agreement. You can of course create as many links as you need for this PunchOut link.

  7. Save.

Please note that the webshop does not save orders, as the shopping cart is transferred to the user’s (customer’s) system, where it is intended to lead to an order.

To transfer the order to Monitor ERP, the user’s (customer’s) system must send the order via EDI, API call, or traditional purchase order.