You are here: Purchase > Parts > Outline


Under the Parts heading in the Purchase module, you will find procedures that are related to parts and updating purchasing data. There are also procedures used to obtain information regarding purchased parts, such as statistics and Intrastat reports.

Below you will find a brief description of all the procedures that can be found under the Parts menu in the Purchase module of a complete MONITOR system.

Update Part - Purchase

Here you can create purchased part and update them with purchasing and budget information.

Price Adjustment

Here you perform price adjustments for registered parts. This means that you can recalculate all the different price types that exist in the system. One example of how to use this procedure is to calculate new purchase prices for parts from a particular supplier, or to recalculate or convert new sales prices, or to calculate the budgeted standard prices for the following years. By using the different selection options available, you can automate most of the price adjustments.

Pre-Calculation - P-parts

You can make pre-calculations for a selection of purchase parts in order to calculate standard price based on supplier price plus a number of mark-ups. Alloy cost and setup price can also be included when calculating the standard price.

Add / Change Supplier

Here you can add or change supplier for many parts in a list.

Translate Part

Here you can translate the name and additional name of a part. This type of translation is made so that purchase orders can contain the part name translated into the language selected for the order.

Part List - Purchase

You can create printouts from the part register from this procedure.

Purchase Statistics - Parts

Here you can print purchase statistics for each part.

Price List - Purchase

This procedure allows you to print price lists for parts. The system can manage several different price lists. The price lists must first be registered in the Price Lists procedure in the Global Settings module. When printing price lists, you can choose which price you want to print.

Intrastat Import

Here you can print Intrastat reports for imported goods from EU countries. These reports are sent on a monthly basis to Skattemyndigheten (or your local tax authority), when you do business with suppliers from other EU countries.

Price Import

In the Price Import procedure you can easily import price lists and purchase prices from suppliers from a regular text file.