You are here: Purchase > Arrival > Receiving Inspection List > Printout Samples

Printout Samples

Here you will see a printout sample of the Standard list. This list contains information about arrival reported purchase orders which contain a supplier or parts that require receiving inspection.

The list shows information such as: order number, sub-number, supplier code, supplier name, position, part number, part name, part category, part code, received on (arrived), received quantity (arrived), rest quantity, unit* and delivery period.

If an instruction has been entered for the supplier or for the part, this instruction can be viewed under the button to the far right on the part row (the part instruction overrides the supplier instruction).

Sample of a Standard list for receiving inspection classified by Order number.

You will find additional list functions on the Info menu which you access by right-clicking.

* Unit is displayed in the Standard list type when classified by part number.