You are here: Purchase > Suppliers > Outline


Under Suppliers in the Purchase module, you will find procedures used to register and update different suppliers. There are also procedures used to obtain different supplier information such as statistics and ratings (evaluations).

Below you will find a brief description of all the procedures that can be found under the Suppliers menu in the Purchase module of a complete MONITOR system. Please note that the Rename Supplier procedure is a supplement that must be purchased separately.

Update Supplier

The Update Supplier procedure is used to register new suppliers, or modify or delete existing suppliers.

Supplier List

You can print lists from the supplier register from this procedure.

Supplier Info

The Supplier Info procedure contains all the information registered on a supplier as well as different logs.

Print Supplier Label

Here you can print address labels for letters to one or more suppliers at a time.

Rename Supplier

Here you can rename an existing supplier and give it a new supplier code and a new supplier name.

Supplier Activity List

In this procedure you can print all planned supplier activities, as well as view statistics over finished activities. You can print all supplier activities regardless of activity status and responsible user.

Activity Reporting - Supplier

This procedure is used to report supplier activities in a list. Here you can report/update status, comments, who performed the reporting and reporting date.

Exact Match Search - Purchase

Here you can make exact match searches in notifications made in the Update Supplier, Register Inquiry, Register Purchase Order and Register Blanket Order procedures. The procedure can be useful if you want to search for suppliers that have a certain notification/text registered.

Purchase Statistics – Suppliers

The Purchase Statistics – Suppliers procedure allows you to view different purchase statistics from different suppliers.

Supplier Rating

The Supplier Rating procedure is used to rate or evaluate your company’s existing suppliers, based on two different rating criteria. On one hand, with regard to either delayed or too early deliveries of purchase orders in comparison to the actual or initial delivery period. And on the other hand, with regard to the number of approved deliveries compared to the number of deliveries containing rejects.

Register Agreement - Purchase

Here you can register agreements electronically and search for agreements in the system.

Agreement List

You can print lists from the agreement register from this procedure. The agreements are registered in the Register Agreement - Purchase procedure.

Agreement Activity List

In this procedure you can print all planned agreement activities, as well as view statistics over finished agreement activities. You can print all agreement activities regardless of activity status and responsible user.

Update Shipping Agent

In this procedure, you register all the shipping agents (also known as forwarding agents, dispatchers or carriers) that your company uses to ship your products. The shipping agents are taken from the supplier register.