You are here: MONITOR Basics > Configuration and Maintenance > System Maintenance > Updating the Company Configuration

Updating the Company Configuration

During an update of the company configuration (key files) only company specific files will be installed. This type of update is made for example when the number of licenses should be increased or if any supplements has been purchased and should be "opened" in MONITOR.

An update of the company configuration is usually delivered either via e-mail or via FTP.

The update of company configuration is done on the database server. Log on to that server with an account that has administrative rights. You must for example have complete user rights to the Monwin directory and all its subdirectories.

The update of company configuration is possible to make while the users are running MONITOR.

You should primarily follow the installation instruction which you have received along with the update since new specific actions might have been added for a certain update. Below you will find a description of the different steps that you in general have to perform when updating the company configuration.

  1. The configuration file (.mftk) containing the update, that you have received via e-mail or that you have downloaded via FTP, should now be saved in a temporary directory on the database server.
  2. Click on Run… on the Start menu and browse to the temporary directory (choose to show all file types in the browsing window in order to find the file).
    An alternative method is to double-click on the configuration file directly from the Explorer in the temporary directory, in that case move on to item 4 below.
  3. Select the file, click on Open and then click OK.
  4. Follow the instructions on your screen.
  5. Start MONITOR and logon as ADMIN.
  6. Go to the User Rights procedure in the Global Settings module.
  7. Open the File menu and select Update system.
  8. In order for the users to access contents of the update (for example added functions/procedure) they have to restart MONITOR.