Change of Owner

You can change owner when a customer, via a customer order containing row type 5, buys a product with a serial number previously sold to another customer.

A question appears when registering the order asking if you want to change owner of the product. If you say Yes, all customer information will be replaced on the serial number in the Customer order section as well as the Delivery address. During invoicing, the invoice information will be updated and a new warranty time will be calculated. You will also find a log called Owner history including the current and previous owners of the serial number.

The Perform Change of Owner Button

By using this button you can perform a change of owner manually, in case you want to change owner without using a customer order. (A change of owner may also take place during businesses where the company has not been involved). Here you enter the new owner (customer).

The Owner History Button

By using this button you will see the owner history.