You are here: Using MONITOR Procedures > Invoicing and Payment Plans > Register Customer Order / Quote

Register Customer Order / Quote

The Main Tab

In the field Invoicing plan you select if the order shall be invoiced according to an invoicing plan.

The Terms heading in the Register Customer Order window.

A new tab, Invoicing plan, is added if you choose (or have configured the customer in the Update Customer procedure) that the order shall be invoiced according to an invoicing plan.

The Rows Tab

You register the customer order rows as usual, but you do not enter any rows for advance payment here.

The Rows tab in the Register Customer Order window.

The Invoicing Plan Tab

In order to register the invoicing plan, you click on the Invoicing plan tab.

The Invoicing plan tab in the Register Customer Order window.

The invoicing plan you have chosen in the quote/order head is displayed. The partial invoice rows are loaded from the template registered in the Invoicing / Payment Plans procedure.

However, you can make individual changes per order if wanted. You can e.g. add or delete rows on a new order/quote. If the percentage of the rows is changed the Amount is automatically recalculated. An automatic round-off is made if the setting Round-off amounts automatically in the invoicing plan is activated. The round-off amount is placed on the last row. The partial invoice type shows to what the invoice relates, advance, delivery or subsequent invoice.

Each partial invoice is given a planned invoicing date, which is called Invoice period. This is later used for selection in a list, when you want to select what to invoice based on e.g. date. Any optional date format can be used like when entering delivery period, e.g. YYYYWW.

If a partial invoice has already been released, delivered or invoiced you can not change the row. The amount is saved both in the company currency and the order currency.

On advance and subsequent invoices you can show information from the customer order. Instead of just referring to the order number you can also show the goods etc. that the invoice concerns. The goods are automatically inserted as row type 4 (see below).

The status of the order/invoice rows are displayed in the following color codes:


Green - means that the invoicing is completed (Actual invoiced amount = Planned invoiced amount).


Yellow - means that the invoicing has started (Actual invoiced amount <> Planned invoiced amount).


White - means that the row has not been released/delivered.


Grey - means that the row has been released/delivered (invoicing has not started).

The whole row is grey and cannot be deleted or changed when the color code is 1, 2 or 4 according to the above.

Under Extra information further information is given for each respective partial invoice, among others VAT code and terms of payment of the partial invoice.

In the Inv. amount field you will see the actual invoiced amount of the partial invoice. This amount will be saved to the partial invoice number in the invoicing plan when the invoice printout is approved. If the partial invoice has been fully invoiced, the actual invoiced amount is shown in green if the invoice amount is the same as the planned invoiced amount. If the invoiced amount is less than the planned invoiced amount this field is shown in yellow.

Sample where the advance invoice has been released and invoiced.

In the above example the advance partial invoice has been released and invoiced. A partial delivery invoice has also been sent, but not for the total order value.

The Recalc.button is used if you want to update the invoicing plan, which might be useful e.g. when making additions in arrears to the order rows, so the order value becomes higher than the amount of the invoicing plan. The partial invoice amounts will then be redistributed. If a partial invoice has already been invoiced (or released) the row amount will not be changed, but the percentage rate will be changed.

When you open an already saved order to make changes of the order rows and the order value is affected, you will get a question about updating the invoicing plan. If you answer Yes the Invoicing plan tab is activated and a recalculation of the amount is automatically performed.

Order Confirmation

When printing the order confirmation you can get information about the current order's invoicing plan. The information is shown below the order rows, provided that you in the Form settings procedure has stated that the invoicing plan shall be shown. If an invoicing plan is registered for a quote, the information is shown on the printed quote as well .

Sample of an order confirmation showing the invoicing plan below the order rows.