You are here: Using MONITOR Procedures > Customer Order Transfer > Order Registration

Order Registration

If a transfer profile has been selected in the order header during order registration, the information will be transferred directly from the order in the sales company to the manufacturing company when the order is saved in MONITOR. If the order in the sales company is partially saved, the information is normally transferred to the manufacturing company, but you do have the opportunity to turn off the transfer until the order registration has been completed in the sales company. The changes made on the order in the sales company, if any, are also transferred to the manufacturing company.

Distribution of Orders to Manufacturing Companies

There are three different ways to distribute orders to manufacturing companies. Below they are listed in the order of use:

  1. The first choice for directing an order to a manufacturing company is the Default link from profile.
  2. Secondary, you can have a part's supplier link in the sales company on the customer order row suggesting to which manufacturing company and warehouse that the order should be transferred.
  3. As third choice you can change manufacturing company (supplier) on the order row, if desired. The manufacturing companies and warehouses that you can change to, have to be defined in the Customer Order Transfer Settings procedure.

Warehouse is used in cases where the manufacturing companies are gathered in one legal company, but under different warehouses.

Save as...

When using Save as... on an order that has been transferred to the Manufacturing company, no transfer profile or transfer link will be set on the rows. This has to be done manually after you have used the Save as...

Block against Changing an Order

You can make changes in orders with status 1 up to 5. Orders with a higher status are frozen and cannot be changed. In the Transfer profiles tab you select from which status there should be a block against making changes in orders.

Order Number and Link to Sales Company in the Manufacturing Company's Order

The manufacturing company's order has a link which displays from which sales company it origins. This provides the manufacturing company with the information that it is an order that they are not allowed to edit. It also provides the opportunity to use a separate number series without interrupting the link.

Your order number on the order in the manufacturing company can be the end customers order number (this is determined by a setting). This gives you the opportunity to search for the customer's order number directly in the manufacturing company in order to see the order's current status.

Identification of Order Rows

The internal row order in the sales company's order will also be the order of the order rows in the manufacturing company. If you change the row order in the sales company's order, then the row order will change in the corresponding way in the manufacturing company's order.

The position number is the identifying method used in the communication between the companies and the end customer. The position number also identifies which position from the main order that the end customer will get delivered from the manufacturing company, via the information on the delivery note. It is possible to create a customer specific* delivery note in the manufacturing company so that it will be printed along with the sales company's information.

The position number can be changed on the order row without it affecting the identification between the companies' orders. The system manages position numbering as a standard so that an order confirmed order (status 2) has frozen position numbering. In this case, frozen means that the system will not automatically re-number the positions if rows have been added or deleted. But it is possible to manually edit the position numbers in the "frozen" mode. Several rows can have the same position number. This always applies for example for text rows that are linked to an order row.

Manufacturing Order

It is not possible to create manufacturing orders directly from customer order by using the customer order transfer. Manufacturing orders are created with regular requirements planning in the manufacturing company.

Error Management

Validation problems during transfer of customer order can occur if, for example, a part or a language code is missing in the manufacturing company. The user will then receive an error message about this. The order can then be saved in the sales company without being transferred. This is indicated with the transfer status "Not transferred" in the order header. When the problem has been rectified, the order can be saved again and transferred to the manufacturing company.

Deleting Orders/Order Rows

A transferred order can only be deleted in the original company (the sales company). When it is deleted there, all associated transferred orders in other companies will also be deleted.

* If the Crystal Reports format is used.