You are here: Using MONITOR Procedures > Traceability > Manufacturing Order Arrivals

Manufacturing Order Arrivals

During a manufacturing order arrival, i.e. the reporting of the last operation on a manufacturing order, an individual batch number is set that is the same as the manufacturing order number for the reported part. The stock location window where you should enter the location and quantity will always be opened for traceable parts.

A new location is always suggested by default, unless there is already is one with a zero balance, in which case that one is suggested instead. Please note that you can configure a setting to suggest a new stock location name for each arrival reporting, if you go to the Inventory tab in the Settings procedure. In this case, a new location is always suggested, with a location name in the form of a consecutive number.

You cannot report a location that has a balance, because that would mix two different manufacturing orders and only one individual batch number would exist. The only exception is if a location with the same individual batch number already exists, in which case you can add to it (in other words, if a partial delivery has previously taken place).

Quick Reporting

You can perform quick reporting for input to a manufacturing order. This option is available in the Comprehensive Reporting and Quick / Rest Reporting procedures. In this case, a new location is always created for the reported part. The stock location name will then be a consecutive number.