Update Shipping Agent

Open the Update Shipping Agent procedure under the Suppliers menu in the Purchase module.

General Shipping Agent

A general shipping agent cannot be selected in the Shipping agent ID column, for example "Ahlman Transport". If the shipping information should be sent to a general shipping agent via Unifaun Online, you select Unifaun (general) in the Shipping agent ID column. For general shipping agents you must also have selected 1 (EDI) on the row called Code for shipping agent (Unifaun), under the button Extra info in the Update Supplier procedure.

Below you will find an example of a so-called "neutral carrier" for piece goods. A neutral carrier is created in Unifaun where you also select Type (Goods or Parcel). You also enter a code in the SubId field. In this example the carrier code is "AHLM". See more information about codes below.

Neutral carrier in Unifaun Online.

The codes available on your account at Unifaun Online are shown in code lists on www.unifaunonline.com. You load the code list under the meu Help and Code lists. In the Lists column you select Services and then you click the button called Show. Then an image appears similar to the image below. Here you can see which services and codes that are available on your account. If you are missing a service, please contact Unifaun's customer service to see if the service is available.

Code list for Services.

The list Services (ERP-connection XML) has more specific information about which additional services that exist. See the image below.

Code list for Services (ERP-connection XML).

When you register neutral carriers (shipping agents) in MONITOR you enter this information under the button Extra info in the Update Supplier procedure.