You are here: Manufacturing > Orders > Register Manufacturing Order > General Information about Register Manufacturing Order

General Information about Register Manufacturing Order

What Does This Procedure Do?

In this procedure you can register new manufacturing orders, replan and delete existing manufacturing. Furthermore, you can register a project and register purchase orders in connection with order registration.

You can also select a structure, breakdown, material requirement or a certain replanning of existing manufacturing orders. Manufacturing orders is usually registered for parts with a preparation, i.e. that consist of certain operations and materials, which are registered in the Preparation procedure.

You can also create manufacturing orders for purchased parts. A control question then appears which must be confirmed before a manufacturing order can be created.

You can also make a printout of new registered manufacturing orders. When a new order has been saved, the Print tab becomes activated, which is where you can make a printout. Also see the Help section in the Print Manufacturing Order procedure to get a further description of manufacturing order and purchase order subcontract. See also the printout samples in the Help section of the procedure.

The window in this procedure is divided into a number of tabs:


A manufacturing order will create reservations for the incorporated material it needs to manufacture the part. The material requirements that are created by this order can be seen in the Requirement Calculation procedure in the Inventory module. For manufactured parts, the manufacturing order will create an expected arrival date in the planning.

You can create a requirement calculation for parts in both new and existing orders that are shown in this procedure, by right-clicking on the order row under the Create tab and selecting Requirement Calculation. Read more under the Info menu.

If you have the supplement Tool Management installed, you can also link tools to operations during preparation. The manufacturing order will then also create reservations for those tools that are linked to the operations used for the part that the order was placed for. These tools can be printed in the manufacturing order documents under each respective operation. You can see tool reservations in the Tool Info procedure.


The manufacturing order will also create a loading plan for the work centers that are used in the preparation. You create the loading based on the information registered in the preparation, regarding work centers, setup times, unit times and possible overlapping, as well as the information entered in the Update Work Center procedure regarding the basic time, number of shifts, capacity factors and queue times for the work center in question.

The loading is based on a calendar. This calendar is quite general, but you can register exceptions for those work centers that require them. These exceptions are entered in the Production Calendars procedure. The production calendar allows you to configure certain periods as "free", for example vacation or holidays. No loading will then take place during these periods. You can also temporarily change shifts, for example if a work center that has two shifts registered in the Update Work Center is now going to run 3 shifts under a period, you can make this change in the calendar for that particular period.

You can also view the loading plan in the Loading / Work Center and Loading Selection procedures.

You may give the manufacturing order both an order number and a superior project number. A project number can contain several order numbers. You can only register one order per order number, though. Each order must have an order number, but not necessarily a project number. If you do not enter an order number, the system will automatically supply an order number taken from a number series in the Number Series procedure in the Global Settings module.

Structure Orders or Plain Orders

If the preparation consists of several different levels containing manufacturing parts, you can create orders through all levels. These are called structure orders. You select the order type that you want to register (all levels or just one level) under the Create tab as either Structure or Plain.

Alternate Preparation

You can configure certain terms for operation and material rows in the preparation. This means that you can receive alternate preparations for a part. For example, that a row only will apply for a certain alternate preparation code, period, a specific customer etc. These terms will be taken into account when you register an order. Read more under Alternate Preparation and Manufacturing Order.

Configuration in Order

If you have installed the supplement Product Configurator and you load a configurable part (part linked to a configuration group) to a manufacturing order row, the configuration window opens automatically. You can then use this window to configure the product on the manufacturing order row. Please read more about the configuration window under the chapter Product Configurator in the Using MONITOR Procedures guide.

You can load the configuration window manually on a manufacturing order row via the button under the Conf. column.

Replanning Existing Orders

You can replan a previously registered order in different ways. In this window, you can select the option to Replan Existing, and thereafter change the quantity, start period and finish period. For other types of replanning and possible additions, use the Adding / Replanning procedure. Read more about replanning under Replanning Existing Order.

You can test how the replanning affects your material reservations by selecting Requirement Calculation - both before and after you enter the new period - by right-clicking under the Create tab. Read more under the Info menu. You can do this without saving the order.

Replanning Orders linked to a Customer Order/Stock Order

When a manufacturing order is loaded in the procedure, the system checks if the order is linked to a customer order. If it is linked, you will receive a message saying that it belongs to a customer order and that the changes should be made on the customer order instead. The same also applies if the manufacturing order is linked to a stock order.

Deleting Orders

You can delete orders by selecting Delete Row in current table in the window functions, once you have loaded all orders that you want to delete into the Create tab. Before you delete the order, a control question will appear asking whether you want to delete all orders shown in the window, or just delete the one your cursor is on. You can also delete orders in the Final Reporting procedure, where you should also make a final report of all your finished orders, in order to get the right order status.

Order Registration and Printout

Once you have entered all information under the Create tab, click Save to start registering the order. If you use prefix for the manufacturing order number, a question appears asking you to select which prefix you want to place before the order number. A prefix can be optional or mandatory and this is decided with the setting Use prefix to manage manufacturing order types under Order under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure. Prefixes are registered in the Order Types / Prefix procedure.

If the supplement Product Configurator is used in MONITOR, a window will automatically open where you can configure a part (provided that you select a configurable part). Read more about the Product Configurator in the Using MONITOR Procedures guide.

Once you have registered the order, the Print tab will be activated and you can print the order if needed. When this tab is opened, the Preview and Print functions will be activated under Window functions. You can make several selections prior to printing your order, such as determining which documents should be printed. If the Warnings tab is also activated, you should check out any possible errors that are shown under that tab, before printing.

If you do not print in connection with your order registration, you can use the Print Manufacturing Order procedure to print the order at another occasion convenient for you.

Settings for Manufacturing Order Documents

In the Manufacturing Order Documents procedure in the Global Settings module you can configure different settings for your manufacturing order documents as well as register the manufacturing order documents that you want to use. Any changes you make here on the standard form will not be executed until you generate new manufacturing order documents, and this will also require you to restart MONITOR. Thus, if you are using Crystal Reports forms, you will not have to regenerate forms after making changes in the form settings.

Please note that forms shall be regenerated on the server!

Create manufacturing order from customer order

You can also configure the system so that a manufacturing order or a manufacturing order suggestion can be automatically created from a new customer order. This is activated with option 1 or 2 in the Create manufacturing order from customer order setting under Automatic M/P orders from Customer Orders and Service Orders under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure. You can also determine how you want to configure manufacturing order numbers; whether they should be taken from the number series, or if you want to configure them as the customer order number plus the position number on the customer order row. This is determined with the Manufacturing order number entered as... setting under the same section in the Settings procedure.

In the Register Customer Order procedure, you should check the alternative Manufacturing order in the Header tab in order for a manufacturing order to be created as soon as you save the new customer order. This alternative can also be set by default using the setting Create M-order/suggestion by default in Register Customer Order? under the same section in the Settings procedure.

If you use this setting, this procedure will open automatically once you have saved your new customer order, and it will already have loaded the new manufacturing order number. Here you can then preview or edit the order before saving.

Delivery of Linked Manufacturing Orders

The setting Automatically set status 6 (Delivered) on M-order when delivering linked C-order determines if the status of the linked manufacturing order should be changed to 6 (Delivered) after the delivery. This setting is configured under the Orders heading under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure.

Creating Purchase Orders from Manufacturing Orders

By activating the setting Purchase order, you can automatically create purchase orders from the purchased parts that are included in the manufacturing orders in question. When saving the manufacturing orders, the Purchase Order Suggestion procedure will automatically open from this procedure.

In order to create purchase orders from manufacturing orders, you have to activate the Create purchase order from manufacturing order setting under the Automatic Purchase Orders from Manufacturing Orders header under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure. You can also in the same section in Settings, via a setting determine if this feature is to be default, how the goods label is to be entered, and if the manufacturing order number is to be entered on the purchase order.

If the Linked requirement/supply planning for M-part (Lot-for-lot) setting is activated under the Requirements Planning header under the Inventory tab in the Settings procedure, the link to a purchase order is created when the purchase order is generated from a purchase order suggestion that has been created in the Run Netting or Requirement Calculation. The link can also be created directly here in the Register Manufacturing Order procedure. Links that are created when this setting is activated are better, because they are created against each separate requirement.

Check when Replanning a Manufacturing Order if Subcontracts Exist

A check is made when a manufacturing order is replanned if there is a printed subcontract purchase order on the manufacturing order. The check is also made when a manufacturing order is deleted. A warning will appear if the subcontract has a purchase order number and a rest quantity > 0.

The warning is shown to indicate to you that an order was previously sent to the supplier that will not coincide with the initial order when it comes to time and quantity.

Fixed Delivery Day on Subcontracts

When a manufacturing order that contains subcontracts is registered, the fixed delivery day on the subcontract can be considered. This function is activated by the Use fixed delivery day on subcontracts setting under Orders under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.