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Outline -

The Manufacturing module in MONITOR contains procedures used for the manufacturing processes in the system. These procedures are used to build product structures and calculate product estimates or calculations. This includes manufacturing order management, including loading plans for the factory and so on.

The module also supports timing processes. Using different calculation bases, you can calculate the manufacturing operation times or "operating times" for different types of processes.

The Manufacturing module consists of six basic sub-modules found on the Procedure menu. What follows is a brief description of these sub-modules.


This menu heading handles all the part functions for manufacturing purposes. This primarily includes the powerful Preparation function (also known as Process Planning), as well as the Search Forms and lists that are related to the actual preparation.


You can create pre-calculations and post-calculations in the system. You can create pre-calculations and post-calculations per part or per order, and containing detailed information, and you can create calculations containing total (summed up) values. Your post-calculations can also include values per time period or per work center.


This sub-module contains procedures used to register, replan or delete manufacturing orders. You can also print manufacturing order documents according to an optional number of document types. It also contains procedures for creating loading plans and loading simulations for work centers and departments in the factory. You can also perform Material Clearance to insure that there is sufficient material in stock to execute a manufacturing order.


This sub-module contains procedures to manage subcontracts, except for the Accounts Payable that you will find in the Purchase module.


This is where you report your manufacturing orders. You can report operations with manufactured quantity, actual time used, as well as the actual material quantities. You can also perform final reporting here. If you want to use start and finish reporting, you should use the Workshop Info module.

Time Calculation

This contains the Time Calculation procedure, in which you can calculate operation times based on material qualities and dimensions, as well as the calculation basis for different types of manufacturing processes.


This is a Supplement to MONITOR. The Tools menu contains procedures used to manage tools using tool registers and tool groups, a Tool Depot for withdrawing and returning tools, the possibility to reject, calibrate, color code and inventory tools, as well as a Reorder Point List and Inventory Value List for tools, and a Tool Log.

Work Centers

These procedures are used to create the basic information used in the Manufacturing module, work centers, departments and the Production Calendar.


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