You are here: Manufacturing > Parts > Consists of (Structure List) > Show


The available alternatives under Show are:


If you check this box, then any comments entered for a main part and instructions entered for operations and materials will be displayed under Info... in the Info menu that opens when you right-click in the structure map, as well as in the printed list.


Here you can decide whether to display the structure map as "Maximized" (fully expanded) or in minimized form. The standard default is Maximized. In order to return the structure map to maximized or minimized form, just check or uncheck this box. This is displayed in the structure list header when printed. If certain parts of the structure map are minimized, the structure list may look like these parts do not have a preparation. However, the header of the list displays whether the structure is maximized or minimized.


If the Supplement Tool Management has been installed, you can also choose whether the linked tools for the operations should be included during preview and printout by checking this option. These will then be printed in the report under each respective operation. You must of course first have selected a list type that includes operations.

Only Unique Material

If this setting is activated, an "included in" analysis will be made for each material in the structure map in order to see if the material is incorporated in other preparations as well. If the material is not incorporated in other preparations, it will be displayed in the structure map as a unique material to the main part. It can be useful to see which incorporated material that will be affected directly in cases where the main part shall be phased out. In that case you would probably not want to build an unnecessarily large stock of the incorporated material.