You are here: Manufacturing > Orders > Register Manufacturing Order > The Warnings Tab

The Warnings Tab

The list under the Warnings tab displays errors, if any, that occurred in the preparation or part register.

The Warnings list will show any possible errors that occurred in the Preparation, mainly logical errors from the Preparation such as missing setup or unit times, or if an incorporated part is linked to an operation that is missing. It can also be errors from the part register, e.g. that a price is missing for an incorporated part. The total number of warnings appear at the bottom of the list. You can use the same operation number when terms are used, but please note that a manufacturing order does not accept more than one operation row per operation number.

If you have installed the supplement Tool Management, a check is made to see if the tools that are linked to the part are available. A warning is shown under the Warnings tab if you book a tool for the same time as there is an existing tool reservation. The check is performed only on special tools.