You are here: Manufacturing > Work Centers > Outline


Under the menu heading Work Centers in the Manufacturing module, you will find procedures that are used to create and manage all the resources used in manufacturing. You can create resources at two levels: work centers and departments (work centers form part of a department).

Before you start using the Manufacturing module, you must create work centers. Work centers are used to create preparations. That is where you link work centers to different operations.

Under the Work Centers heading, you will find procedures used to create work centers and departments. There is a separate procedure to print work center lists. There is also a procedure that is used to create a production calendar. And finally, there is a procedure used to enter correction factors for a calculation basis that is later used in the Time Calculation Supplement.

Below you will find a brief description of all the procedures that can be found under the Work Centers menu in the Manufacturing module of a complete MONITOR system. Please note that the Update Correction Factors procedure is a Supplement that must be purchased separately.

Update Work Center

In this procedure you register all the different work centers (production groups) that you will be using in your company's manufacturing process. A work center is a part of the factory or "Workshop". It can be a single machine or a group of machines, a single workstation or a group of workstations. For example, a bench drilling machine or a drilling section.

Work Center List

This procedure is used to print a list from the work center register. This allows you to see different information that is linked to the work centers.

Rename Work Center

Here you can change work center code on existing work centers.


This is where you register different departments. Each department can contain several work centers. A department has a higher level than a work center in the company hierarchy. For example, a department can be the machine workshop, which consists of both drilling, turning and milling etc. It can also be a foreman area, or a product workshop (in a flow-chart production system).

Production Calendars

This is where you register a company calendar that applies to the entire company, and a production calendar that applies to each individual work center. The work center calendar shows which capacity the work center has throughout the year, and when the work center is available. Apart from holidays and weekends, the company calendar also takes so-called "makeup days" or catch-up work (overtime work to provide for leave on working days between holidays) and vacation days.

Update Correction Factors

Supplementary function. The Update Correction Factors procedure is used with the Time Calculation procedure. It is used to adjust or adapt the calculation bases used in Time Calculation to your company's specific circumstances. There are three correction factors for distribution, setup time and unit time for each calculation basis.