You are here: Manufacturing > Tools > Reorder Point List > Generate Purchase Order Rows

Generate Purchase Order Rows

Here you can select different parameters and default values for generating purchase orders for the tools in your reorder point list. The tools for which you will be generating purchase orders must have an active supplier link.

Suggest All / Suggest None

Here you can decide whether all the tools or none of the tools should automatically suggest generating purchase orders. The purchase orders for the selected tools are then generated straight from the list by using Run under the Window functions.

One Order per Supplier / One Order per Supplier / Tool

Here you can select whether to create one purchase order per supplier (orders can contain several tools), or whether to create a new purchase order for each tool (each order only contains one tool).

Our Reference

Here you can choose what will appear as “Our reference” on all the purchase orders that are generated.

Goods Label

Here you can enter a goods label on two rows, which will appear on all purchase orders that are generated.