Compare Price
For all list types, except the Log list, you can select a price alternative to compare with the sales price. This is used to calculate the contribution margin (CM). The standard price is applied by default. The following price alternatives are available:
- STPD Standard price during delivery - the standard price used during the delivery reporting.
- STPI Standard price during invoicing - the standard price used during invoicing. Then the CM (contribution margin) in the Invoicing Log is calculated in the same way and coincides with the CM in Sales Statistics - Customers.
- FIFO FIFO price - only with list type Total and Show calc. info selected.
- FMES FIFO (Material Excluding SO)
- FMIS FIFO (Material Including SO)
- FPES FIFO (P-part Excluding SO)
- FPIS FIFO (P-part Including SO)
- LSP Last sales price
- ASP Average sales price
- PCMP Post-calculated mean price
- STP Standard price
- FSP Future standard price
Compare Price 2
For list type Only total, classified by Part number, you can select an additional price alternative in order to see CM and CR based on two price alternatives. You will then see the CM and CR in two separate columns in the report, one column for each price alternative and the difference between these. This way you can, for example, analyze the differences (calculation differences) of what has been sold during a period or for a specific range of parts by comparing the invoicing between the planned calculation cost (Standard price) and the planned manufacturing cost (Post-calculated mean price). The following price alternatives are available:
- STPD Standard price during delivery - the standard price used during the delivery reporting. This is also available if you have checked the Show calculation info box.
- STPI Standard price during invoicing - the standard price used during invoicing. Then the CM (contribution margin) in the Invoicing Log is calculated in the same way and coincides with the CM in Sales Statistics - Customers. This is also available if you have checked the Show calculation info box.
- FMES FIFO (Material Excluding SO)
- FMIS FIFO (Material Including SO)
- FPES FIFO (P-part Excluding SO)
- FPIS FIFO (P-part Including SO)
- LSP Last sales price
- ASP Average sales price
- PCMP Post-calculated mean price
- STP Standard price
- FSP Future standard price
- Post-calculated order price - can be used for list type Only total classified by Order number. Price to compare with is loaded from Post-Calculation Selection when the save alternative Only to saved calc. is used.
Read more about prices and price alternatives under Managing Prices in the System.
CM for P-part Including SO Mark-up
This alternative is available when selecting any of the total list types. This alternative includes the SO mark-up on P-parts when calculating CM.
Show Calculation Infor
This alternative is available when classifying by Date in one the total list types. This alternative is also available in list type Only total when classifying by Customer code or Part number.
You select an optional cost factor alternative as the basis for the manufacturing cost. The list then displays the parts' manufacturing costs according to the pre-calculation distributed on material, processing, subcontract and different mark-ups. By comparing these costs with the sales price, the contribution margin per part or customer is calculated.
Price Alternative FIFO
FIFO date