
Here you select which row types you want to include. If you include all row types, the list should show the same information as the corresponding list in the Sales Statistics - Customers procedure. The available row types are:


In addition to the selection of row types, it is for some classifications of the Log list type possible to show the invoicing log in an external currency. In the list you will then see price each, amount, setup price and total price in foreign currency. Furthermore, you will see currency code and conversion factor. It is possible to classify the list by currency code in the total list types and you can also show it in an external currency. In the lists you can then see a total amount for each external currency.

This can be useful if you for example need to analyze the company's foreign exchange dependence. For example: See the invoicing made in a certain currency per month. See how much have been sold in a particular currency over the last year. See the price development of a part in a foreign currency that has been invoiced on several occasions.

Total FIFO Coding