The Create Tab
When you open the procedure, the Create tab first appears. In the upper portion of the window you select how to classify and select the list.
In the lower portion of the tab you can also configure different settings for the list. Under List you can load a detailed list (log) or a total list. You can also select the deliveries that you want to include in the list - delayed, too early or all types of deliveries.
Under Row types you determine for which row types you want to measure the delivery reliability. Here you can choose to exclude part types 2, 3 and/or 6.
Under Part types you can choose which part types you want to include in the list.
Under Period you can choose to use the current delivery period or the initial delivery period as a comparison to the actual delivery period. Here you can also choose period format for the list.
Under Allowance for on-time deliveries you enter the number of days/weeks that can be accepted, before the delivery is considered a "late delivery" or a "too early delivery". You can also select which days are considered as work days and thereby delivery days.