Customer Status

Under the Customer status heading you can set the customer/contact status by using different status codes, depending on which type of contact the customer is. For example 1=Actual customer (customers for which you can register orders), contact at fair, etc. You must first register status codes under the Customer status tab in the Customer/Supplier Status procedure under Tables in the Global Settings module.

Customer status in the Update Customer window.

You can only register orders for customers with status 1 (actual customers). For customers with status > 1, the Customer heading will be displayed in red. This means that this is not an actual customer, but rather another type of business contact.

Customer status > 1 with the Customer heading in red.

When registering customer orders a check of the customer status is made and a warning appears if the customer/contact has status > 1, in other words if it is not an actual customer. You can then choose to change the customer status to 1 (actual customer) and thereby enable order registration.

Checking the customer status.

The customer status is a selection term in the procedures: Customer Activity List, Activity Reporting - Customer, Customer List, Print Customer Labels and Quote List.