Customer-specific Forms

In the ClosedCustomer-specific forms window, you can add customer-specific Crystal Reports forms by using the Forms button. The configured forms under this button will apply to the customer during printouts.

The Customer-specific forms window.

If you want to delete a customer-specific form, you use the button Delete row.

After adding or deleting customer-specific forms, you update the window by clicking Save.

Please Note! In order for a customer-specific form to apply, the option Use Crystal Reports form must be selected for the corresponding form in the Form Settings procedure in the Global Settings.


Here you select the Crystal Reports form that you want to make customer-specific. You can choose from all Crystal Reports forms in the system.

Form File

Here you select path and file name to the customized form file (.rpt) that shall apply to the customer. We recommend that you save all customer-specific forms on the server to make sure that all users have access to the forms. We suggest that you save them in a separate customer folder under MONWIN\CRYSTAL. Always use UNC paths in this field. These are entered as \\SERVER NAME\SHARED_RESOURCE. You will here see an example: