Minimum Order Amount

Here you enter a minimum order amount for the customer. A message then appears in the procedures Register Quote, Register Customer Order and Register Invoices Directly, if the total amount (in the company currency) is lower than the minimum order amount. Then you can add a type of setup price or charge. The check is made when saving the quote, order or invoice.

Minimum order amount can also be updated in the Settings list in the Customer List procedure.

Setup Price when Amount Falls Below Minimum Order Amount

A setup price can be added when saving a quote, order and invoice if the total amount falls below the minimum order amount. In the message that appears, you can insert the setup price as a separate row on the quote, order invoice.

To be able to add this setup price, a setup price part must be entered in the setting Setup price part for order/quote which fall below minimum order amount, under Orders / Quotes under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure.

The part used for setup price will always have quantity 1. The part price will be loaded to the row the usual way (firstly the customer linked price and secondly the sales price of the part linked to the price list entered for the customer). If there are comments and/or additional names for the part, linked text rows will be created for these. The quote/order/invoice will be saved automatically when the part has been inserted.