A quote always has a particular "status", depending at what stage the quote is in the system. By default quotes are given status 1 when you register them.
It is possible set status 0 (zero) on quotes in order to get a list containing the inquires for which you should send out quotes (preliminary or quote in progress).
When a quote with status 1 is printed, it is automatically given status 2.
Statuses 5-7 are given to quotes that for some reason have been lost and did not turn into orders.
Status 9 is set for quotes that are converted into orders. This status is configured automatically if you use the Order... button. If you set status 9 for a quote that contains two or more parts (sub-numbers), the other sub-numbers are automatically given status 8. You cannot make any changes on quotes with status 8 or 9 without changing the status to less than 8. However, you can choose to Save as... under the File menu and thereby use quotes with status 8 or 9 as templates for new quotes.
The different status levels for quotes are:
- 0 Inquiry
- 1 Registered
- 2 Printed
- 5 Declined
- 6 No order submitted
- 7 Lost to competitor
- 8 Order via another quote
- 9 Order