
If you have installed the supplement Product Configurator, the column Conf. appears on customer order rows (and also on quote rows) in the Register Quote procedure as well as on invoice rows in the Register Invoices Directly procedure. A configuration window opens automatically when loading a configurable part (a part linked to a configuration group) to the row. On the row you will then find the button under the Conf. column if a configurable part exists. By using this button you can manually open the configuration window. This window can be used to modify a configuration on the order row.

Please read more about the configuration window under the chapter Product Configurator in the Using MONITOR Procedures guide.

Modify Configuration

If you modify a configuration in an existing customer order and the belonging manufacturing order has status 1 or 2, the manufacturing order will be deleted and a new manufacturing order will be created with the new configuration in the Register Manufacturing Order procedure.

If you modify a configuration and the belonging manufacturing order has status 1 or 4, a message appears informing you that the manufacturing order must be replanned manually in the Register Manufacturing Order procedure.

Modify Configuration during Linked Requirement and Supply Planning for Purchased Parts with Lot Sizing Rule L

If you modify a configuration in an existing customer order and the belonging manufacturing order has status 1 or 2 and has linked purchase orders that are affected by the modification, the system handles the manufacturing order as if it has status 3-4. A message appears informing you that the manufacturing order must be replanned manually in the Register Manufacturing Order procedure or by using "Synchronize with Preparation" in the Adding / Replanning procedure. In this procedure the replanned purchase orders will be rescheduled and new purchase orders will be created on added part rows.

Linked requirement and supply planning for purchased parts with lot sizing rule L is determined by the setting Linked requirement/supply planning for P-part (Lot-for-lot), under Requirements Planning under the Inventory tab in the Settings procedure.