The Rows Tab

The Rows tab is displayed after you have answered the question in the Deliver the entire order dialog box. Here you perform deliveries per row and per part.

Each row displays information about (starting from the left): part number, name, quantity and unit. For each order row you can check the All check box if the entire quantity shall be delivered, otherwise you can deliver in full or a smaller quantity by entering a quantity in the Quantity to report (Qty. to rep.) field. You can also delete any rest quantities, which will set the row as delivered in full (meaning finished or completed). To the right on the order row you can also see the previously delivered quantity.

Change of unit, if any, during delivery reporting is not saved in any database. It is only a calculation help.

A partially delivered order row is highlighted in yellow in the T column (Row Type) and in the Prev.del.qty. column (Previously delivered quantity). An order row that has been delivered in full (the final delivery has been made) is highlighted in green in the same columns as mentioned above.

You can enter actual delivery period. Today's date appears by default. Further to the right on the order row you can see the planned delivery period.

On the order row there is also information regarding location, price each, discount and amount.

In the Info menu you will find additional selections.

At the bottom of the window there is a section called Extra row info... which contains individual row information such as the account, VAT code, weight, requested period, initial period, revision, previously delivered quantity, rest quantity and balance. You can also see if it is a setup price row. At the bottom, to the right, you will also see a Total field which represents the total order amount for all the order rows. Afterwards you can add/insert additional rows on an order and calculate shipping info for the quantity that will be delivered.

Multiple Stock Locations

If you use multiple stock locations, a separate window will open in the Qty. to report field where you can enter (for each order row) the quantity to be delivered per location. The Location column on the order row will then say Several...