General Information about Print Transport Labels

What Does This Procedure Do?

This procedure allows you to print different transport labels (also known as "pallet labels") that can be placed on or attached to the delivered goods or packaging, before it is sent to the receiver.

There are three different transport label formats: "Transport label" is an A4 landscape format, "Label" is an A5 landscape format (half A4) and "Transport label 2D". In all other regards, the transport label and the label are identical, and contain the same information.

You can print transport labels for delivered goods. In other words, you can only print transport labels for parts on customer orders that have a partial delivery or a final delivery made (orders with Status 5-9).

You can choose to print the quantity per package on all the transport labels.

You can define a default printer per user for this procedure in the Users procedure. In the Special 2 field you can enter the default printer that will be used when printing transport labels.

Managing Windows

The window of this procedure consists of two parts. In the left portion of the window, you can select the printout by entering an interval of order numbers, customer codes, delivery note numbers, actual delivery period or part numbers. If you leave these fields empty, the system will print transport labels for all the orders that have been partially delivered or delivered in full.

You can use the Preliminary selection in the Window functions, to open the right portion of the window. Here you can manually enter the quantity per package, how many copies should be printed, and also uncheck the print box for those orders that you do not want to print transport labels for. In this mode, you can also choose to Preview the printout. The transport label can be sent via e-mail.

See the printout samples of the transport label.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.