Source of Info
In the Type field you select the type of recipient for the shipment. A recipient is then selected from the alternatives below in the related field.
After a recipient has been selected, all information from the recipient is loaded to the shipping document by using Load from Source of Info under the Window functions.
Please note! If the shipment status is higher than 0 (Not booked), a message appears if the user tries to change the source of info or order number.
Customer Order / Delivery
In the Order (order number) field you select a customer order via the customer order register. If the order has been partially or fully delivered (Status 5-9), a separate field will appear to the right where you can enter the partial delivery number. For an entire order select zero (0), for the 1st partial delivery select one (1), etc.
The package information is loaded from the order and part register and then displayed under Pkge. You can include an unlimited number of customer orders in a shipment. Press the Tab key in the order field to add more customer orders to link to this shipment.
Delivery Note
In the Dnote (Delivery note) field you select a receiver (customer) based on the delivery note. You can include an unlimited number of delivery note numbers in a shipment. Press the Tab key in the delivery note field to add more customer orders to link to this shipment.
Stock Order
In the Order (order number) field you select a stock order number via the stock order register. Stock orders can be used if the MONITOR supplement Warehouse Management is installed.
In the Cust (customer code) field you select a customer from the customer register as the receiver. If you select a customer code, the other alternatives under Source of Info are greyed out.
In the Supp (supplier code) field you select a supplier from the supplier register as the receiver.
Purchase Order (Return)
If a purchase order should be sent back, this is where you select the purchase order that you want to return. Only addresses and terms are loaded, not packaging rows (such as weights, packages, etc.).
In the R-no. field you select a report number for the subcontract. Only addresses and terms are loaded, not packaging rows (such as weights, packages, etc.).
Please note that this procedure can only generate shipping documents for subcontracts if you have used the Comprehensive Document (Subcontract) procedure.
Packing List
In the P-no. field you select a packing list number from the Packing List procedure.