Additional Services
For the shipping documents DB Schenker (Sweden), DHL (Sweden), Address label, DSV Road (Sweden), PostNord (Sweden) and FedEx, the following additional services exist.
DB Schenker Parcel
- Dispatch advice
- Top10 / Top (Domestic/EU)
- Limited quantity of dangerous goods
- Extended goods insurance
- Extra crew
- Bulk
DB Schenker System (formerly Comfort)
- Dispatch advice
- Top10 / Top (Domestic/EU)
- Carry-in
- Timed unloading
- Limited quantity of dangerous goods
- Extended goods insurance
- Extra crew
- Heat transport
DB Schenker System Special
- Dispatch advice
- Timed unloading
- Long goods
- Limited quantity of dangerous goods
- Extended goods insurance
- Extra crew
- Technical aid
- Heat transport
DB Schenker Direct
- Dispatch advice
- Top10 / Top (Domestic/EU)
- Timed unloading
- Limited quantity of dangerous goods
- Extended goods insurance
- Extra crew
- Technical aid
- Heat transport
DB Schenker Coldsped
- Dispatch advice
- Top10 / Top (Domestic/EU)
- Carry-in
- Timed unloading
- Extended goods insurance
- Extra crew
- Technical aid
DB Schenker Pallet
- Dispatch advice
- Limited quantity of dangerous goods
- Extended goods insurance
DHL Economy Select**
- Product stretch
- Pick-up at terminal
- Insurance
- Delivery certificate
- Duty goods
DHL Paket
- G7, G10, G12 *
- Pick-up at terminal **
- Limited quantity of dangerous goods
- Insurance **
- Dispatch advice
- Carry-in
DHL Euroconnect
- Limited quantity of dangerous goods
- Insurance **
- Dispatch advice
- Warm
- Duty goods
DHL Pall
- G7, G10, G12 *
- Pick-up at terminal **
- Limited quantity of dangerous goods
- Insurance **
- Dispatch advice
- Carry-in
- Warm
DHL Stycke
- G7, G10, G12 *
- Long pieces
- Pick-up at terminal **
- Limited quantity of dangerous goods
- Insurance **
- Dispatch advice
- Carry-in
- Warm
DHL Parti
- Long pieces
- Pick-up at terminal **
- Limited quantity of dangerous goods
- Insurance **
- Dispatch advice
- Warm
Address Label
- Dispatch advice
- 1-3 additional services for nShift Delivery (general) 1
DSV Styckegods
- Dispatch advice
DSV Parti
- Dispatch advice
PostNord DPD Företagspaket
- Limited quantity of dangerous goods
- SMS advising
PostNord MyPack
- SMS advising
- Cash on delivery
PostNord Expresspaket
- Receiver collects
- SMS advising
PostNord PALL.ETT Inrikes
- Limited quantity of dangerous goods
- SMS advising
- Phone advising
PostNord PALL.ETT Utrikes
- Limited quantity of dangerous goods
- Phone advising
FedEx International Priority
- Ship Alert
- Only documents
FedEx International Economy
- Ship Alert
- Only documents
FedEx International Priority Freight
- Ship Alert
FedEx International Economy Freight
- Ship Alert
If you have entered a mobile phone number on the customer order in the field Advising via phone/SMS, under the Main tab in the Register Customer Order, the mobile phone number will be included in the customer order or delivery note. The shipping agent can then advise the delivery via SMS.
* The additional services G7, G10 and G12 are only supported via Unifaun and Memnon and require that a specific label is placed on the goods where the booking number is filled in. Please contact your EDI partner or DHL for more information.
** The additional services Insurance and Pick-up at terminal require that the shipping agent uses either nShift Delivery or APS. The service DHL Economy Select requires Unifaun or APS.