Price Adjustment
In the lower portion of the window, you select how the price should be adjusted for the selected parts. You can adjust the prices by percent or amounts, and you can also choose how many value digits and decimals that should be used when adjusting the price. You can select price alternative and valid through date. You can also copy a price from one price alternative to another.
In the Adjust price field you select the price alternative that you want to adjust. Check the box Copy from if you want to copy one price alternative from another.
You can perform price adjustments by Percent or Amount. Choose alternative here. In the Change field you enter the value, in percent or amount, that the price should be adjusted by. You can enter either a positive or negative value. A negative value will lower the price.
Decimals / Value Digits
You can use the Price Adjustment to round-off prices to the nearest whole number. You can also adjust prices to create more precise prices (in öre or cents, such as $5.75).
You can enter value digits in order to round-off whole numbers, for example if you enter 2 value digits it will round-off the amount 1223 to 1200. If you enter value digits it will always round-off decimal numbers to zero.
You can enter the number of decimals which you want to round-off with, for example if you enter 1 decimal, it will round-off to the nearest 10 öre, 2 decimals rounds-off to 1 öre (for Swedish Crowns SEK).
You can also enter negative decimals to round-off to the nearest 10 or higher. For example, -1 will round-off to 10 Swedish Crowns, -2 will round-off to 100 Swedish Crowns, etc.
You can enter up to 6 value digits or decimals. The number of value digits and decimals can be used for price adjustments by both percent or amount.
If you select one of the price alternatives Supplier price or Customer price in the Adjust price field, the check boxes Include all suppliers/customers and Show discount will appear.
If you check the Include all suppliers/customers box, all registered suppliers or customers for the parts in the list will be included. Otherwise, only the current supplier will be included.
The price types Supplier prices and Customer price have a gross and a net price. If you check the Show discount box, you will also see a discount column in your lists.
Adjust setup price
This option is only available if you have activated the setting Use setup prices on parts per customer/supplier/price list? under the heading Price management under the System tab in the Settings procedure.
If you check the box Adjust setup price, you can adjust the setup prices that are linked to the selected price alternative. (This applies only to price lists, customer prices and supplier prices).
Please note! You cannot have Copy from and Adjust setup price activated at the same time.
Adjust staggered prices
You can register staggered prices for parts only if you have activated the setting Use Staggered Sales/Purchase Prices on Parts? under the heading Price management under the System tab in the Settings procedure. (This applies only to price lists, customer prices and supplier prices).
If you check the box Adjust staggered prices, you can also adjust parts with staggered prices in the price list. If you select this option, several purchase prices are shown per part - one price per purchase quantity. Both the price and quantity can be adjusted here. Staggered prices (price ladders) are registered in the supplier links on parts in the Update Part procedure.
Valid through
The field Include rows up to appears if you have selected Customer price, Future customer price, Supplier price, Future supplier price or any of the external price types. Here you can choose to include prices with a valid through date up to the selected date.
If you select the box Change date, you can also select a new valid through date for the prices that are included in the Include rows up to field.