General Information about Posterior Rejection

Why Use This Procedure?

In the Posterior Rejection procedure, you report rejected parts that are discovered when processing purchased material in your manufacturing. These rejects can be caused by e.g. faulty material, or a nonconformity that was not detected during a receiving inspection. The Posterior Rejection procedure is used to affect supplier statistics and to withdraw rejected parts from stock.

Nonconformity Management

The nonconformity management can be simplified in connection with the posterior rejection. Provided that you have activated the setting Register noncon's via Rec. Inspection Reporting / Posterior Rejection?, under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure. When you save a posterior rejection the Register Nonconformity procedure in the Inventory module will open automatically displaying a new nonconformity containing all information from the rejection.

Supplier Rating Statistics

The rejects that are reported using Posterior Rejection (just like the rejects reported during a receiving inspection), will update the supplier's statistics and will also affect the supplier's rating. These statistics can be viewed when rating (evaluating) suppliers in the Supplier Rating procedure.

How Rejects Affect the Stock Balance

A posterior rejection (a reject that is detected after arrival or receiving inspection) can affect the stock balance of the part in question. If the posterior rejection affects the stock balance, you may wish to create a stock withdrawal of the corresponding reject quantity. You can choose this option using a setting in the procedure.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.