Enter the number of rejects (the quantity of rejected parts) here. If you have checked the setting Affect stock balance, this will create a stock withdrawal for this part.
Multiple Stock Locations
If the part has multiple stock locations and you have checked the "Affect stock balance" option, the multiple stock locations window will open and allow you to enter the reject quantity as a stock withdrawal from a particular stock location.
When using age analysis on locations, the location with the oldest arrival date will be selected by default for stock withdrawal. If you prioritize locations instead of using age analysis, the location with the highest priority (lowest number) will be selected by default. If you use pick location it is always that location that is selected by default.
If traceability has been configured for the part you will also see the batch number for each location. This makes it possible to withdraw the rejected quantity from the location with the correct batch number.
For further description of this window, please see the section Quantity to report in the Arrival Reporting procedure in the Sales module.