The Payment Info Button

In the window opened by clicking the Payment info button (Pmt. info), you can register different settings which will be used by default for electronic payments to that supplier. The options available in the top section's fields are dependent on the payment format you have selected under the heading Economics under the System tab in the Settings procedure.

The Payment info... window.

The settings and information in the window are described below:

ClosedSettings for SEB:

Payment form

0 = SEB will send a check (cheque) by mail directly to the payee (payment recipient) on the payment date.

1 = SEB will request a foreign bank to make the payment to the payee (recipient) or to make a deposit in the payee's account on the payment date.

Payee code/Payment method

0 = Processed as a normal payment

1 = Express payment

2 = Inter-company payment

Charge codes

0 = All charges are paid by the shipper.

1 = Express charges are paid by the payee (recipient)

2 = All charges are paid by the payee (recipient).

Allocation code

0 = Deposit account (e.g. an SEK account)

1 = Currency account

ClosedSettings for Handelsbanken:

Payment form

C = Check

T = Express payment

B = Normal payment

Payee code/Payment method

Leave this field empty.

Charge codes

0 = Payee should not pay Swedish bank charges

1 = All charges are paid by the payee (recipient).

9 = All charges are paid by the sender

Allocation code

0 = Deposit account (e.g. an SEK account)

1 = Currency account

ClosedSettings for Nordea:

Payment form

0 = Check


Payee code/Payment method

0 = Normal

1 = Express

Charge codes

0 = All charges are paid by the sender

1 = All charges are paid by the payee (recipient).

Allocation code

0 = Deposit account (e.g. an SEK account)

1 = Currency account

ClosedSettings for Swedbank:

Payment form

Leave this field empty.

Payee code/Payment method

0 = Normal

1 = Express

2 = Check

Charge codes

0 = All charges are paid by the sender

2 = All charges are paid by the payee (recipient).

Allocation code

0 = Deposit account (e.g. an SEK account)

1 = Currency account

ClosedSettings for Danske Bank - Sweden

Payment form

Leave this field empty.

Payee code/Payment method

0 = Normal

1 = Urgent

Charge codes

0 = Paid by sender (payer)

1 = Paid by payee (recipient)

Allocation code

0 = Deposit account (e.g. an SEK account)

1 = Currency account

ClosedSettings for the PlusGiro:

Payment form


4 = Giro transfer

7 = Postal check payment form

9 = Check

Payee code/Payment method

1 = Normal payment

2 = Express payment

Charge codes

Leave this field empty.

ClosedSettings for Nordea, Finland:

Payment form:

M= payment order

P= express remittance

Q= SWIFT check

S= check

T= giro payment in Nordea (Finland)

K= own giro payment in Nordea (Finland)

Payee code / Payment method:

Leave this field empty.

Charge codes:

J= the payer and the payee (recipient) pay the charges for their own banks (SHA)

T= the payer also pays the costs for the recipients bank (OUR)


Allocation code:

0 = deposit account (e.g. an SEK account)

1 = currency account

ClosedSettings for Swedbank in Latvia

Payment form:

N = Normal

U= Urgent

X = Express

Payee code / Payment method:

Leave this field empty.

Charge codes:

OUR (originator)

BEN (beneficiary)

Allocation code:

0 = Deposit account (e.g. an SEK account)

1 = Currency account

ClosedSpecific for ISO Payments for Danske Bank, Denmark:

Payment form:

Here you can choose between the Danish giro types 01,04,15,41,71,73 and 75.

Payee code / Payment method:


Charge codes:


Allocation code:

0= Deposit account

PlusGiro number

Here you enter the creditor number against which the payment shall be made.

For other the settings, please see the general instructions for ISO payments.

ClosedIn the other fields, fill in the following:

PlusGiro number

This is where you enter the supplier's international PlusGiro number for giro transfer payments.

Bank Account

This is where you enter the supplier's international bank account number.

Bank account type

Here you can select bank account type. The available alternatives are: IBAN, UPIC, Miscellaneous or BBAN.

SWIFT address

This is where you enter the supplier's SWIFT address. Please note! For some countries, you are required to enter the bank number instead of their SWIFT address. The bank numbers change from one country to another, but usually start with two letters followed by a series of digits. You must enter all the characters without any spaces in this field.

Bank Name

This must be entered if there is no SWIFT address, or if the payment should be made via a certain bank.

Bank Address

This must be entered if there is no SWIFT address, or if the payment should be made via a certain bank.

Bank City

This must be entered if there is no SWIFT address, or if the payment should be made via a certain bank.

Country Code (ISO)

Here you select the bank's country code according to the ISO standard. Please read your instructions from the PlusGiro/bank giro. This field is mandatory.

Country Code (ISO)

Here you select the supplier's country code according to the ISO standard. Please read your instructions from the PlusGiro/bank giro. This field is mandatory.

Central Bank Code

In this field you enter the default Central Bank code. Please read your instructions from the PlusGiro/bank giro. This field is mandatory.

Merge Invoices

This field should be filled in if several invoices with the same payment date to the same supplier should be merged into one single payment.

Split payment (only in Poland)

Check this box to activate Split payment on the supplier. This will make the check box Split payment activated in the register Supplier Invoice procedure and the payment will automatically be divided to a net amount and VAT amount. The amount in the payment file will also be splitted. This only applies to suppliers with the currency PLN.

Please note that if the payments are merged, there is a risk that certain banks will not handle the payment as a reference payment. (Applies to SEPA payments in Finland.)

Settings for ISO payments

The following applies to ISO payments:

If you use the Payment Method ISO, then you can use Corporation payments in Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Germany.

MONITOR contains a built-in feature that supports international payments to foreign suppliers using electronic transfers to the bank or post office. Before you can start sending international payments electronically, you must configure certain settings and basic data for the suppliers that have been entered into the system. Unfortunately the banks do not have a common or mutual standard concerning the format of the payment files sent to the banks. Before you can fill in this window, you must indicate which bank will be used for these payments (bank giro or postal giro). The Payment format must first be selected under the heading Economics under the System tab in the Settings procedure.