Mark to Pay

In the ClosedMark to pay section, in the lower part of the window, you select/enter which invoices that will be paid. When you have entered the Consecutive number, information about the invoice, such as Supplier code and Paid amount, is loaded.

The section Mark to pay in the Make Payments window.

If the invoice is linked to an order with a payment plan, you will to the right of the supplier name see which type of partial invoice it concerns.

In the Paid amount field you will see the invoice's Rest amount displayed by default, but it can be changed. If a smaller amount has been paid, you can enter a Difference code. Due date, cash discount date, and cash discount in percent, are displayed here.

If the invoice was made out in a foreign currency, you can also see the Currency code for the foreign currency and the Initial rate in which the invoice was recorded. In the Current rate field you enter the rate of the payment date. The rate difference is calculated as the difference between the two rates. The Bank charge, if any, is entered in a separate field.

The Payment date and Payment method fields are automatically filled in according to the corresponding fields under Payment settings.

You can control and adjust the coding of the payment by clicking on the Coding window button. The Comment button can be used to make internal notes/messages.

Finally, the invoice is registered as paid when you click on the Move button or use the F9 key or the plus key (+) on the numerical keyboard. The invoice will then disappear from this section and instead be visible in the Marked to pay section.