Printout Samples

Here you will find a few samples and comments regarding four of the list types. The third one shows a list of international payments (payment method LBI).

ClosedStandard (Classified by Supplier Code)

This list shows information regarding all unpaid invoices per supplier. The suppliers' Bank giro and PlusGiro number are shown in the list. These numbers are shown in red if the invoice is paid via another supplier.

To the right you can select which invoices that should be approved for payment by checking the box in the Pay column. You can view a total of the invoices' rest amount per supplier (only for those invoices that have been checked to be paid).

At the bottom of the list you will find different list totals. Total to be paid shows the total amount that will be paid (debit invoices minus the credit invoices). You will also see a "Total debit" for the total debit invoice amount and a "Total credit" for the total credit invoice amount. The Total row shows the total of all the invoices (including all those invoices that have not been checked to be paid).

Apart from the Pay field, you can update the due date, payment method and signer.

This only applies to systems in Poland. You can also find the checkbox Split payment that divides the payment into a net amount and VAT amount.

Sample of a Standard list, classified by Supplier code.

ClosedStandard (Classified by Due Date)

This list shows the same info as the Standard (classified by Supplier code), the difference being that the list is classified by due date. A total per due date is shown.

Sample of a Standard list, classified by Due date.

ClosedStandard (Payment Method LBI)

Here you can see a payment suggestion list for LBI (electronic international payment using bank giro). This list shows the same information as the other lists, except that it also contains information regarding international payments, such as Currency amount, Payment form, Payment method and Central bank code. You can change the allocation code in this list.

Sample of a Standard list, payment method LBI.