Order Rows

In the table, in the lower portion of the window, you can manually add purchase orders. If there are multiple order rows on a purchase order, these rows are shown here. If you have linked to this procedure from another procedure, the purchase order rows are selected by default.

Order Number

This is where you select an purchase order number. If you use the PopUp feature or F4, you can search for the order number or supplier code in the order register.

Part Number

Here you will see the part number on the order row.


Here you will see the part name.


Here you will see the position for the order row.

Current Delivery Period

This is the current delivery period for this order row.

New Delivery Period

Here you enter the new (delayed) delivery period which you have received from the supplier. This field can also be used to test how long a delay that can be managed.


Here you will see the difference in number of days between the current and new delivery period. A negative difference means delay.


This is the order row's rest quantity.

C. Del. (Confirmed Delay)

Here you can confirm an order row as delayed. This is also an indication to other users in the system saying that the order row will be delayed and that there is no use sending reminders to the supplier.

A confirmed delay means that we must try to catch up, for example reduce the affected throughput time and queue days in order to mitigate the effects of the delay.

If an order has been confirmed as delayed, you will see this symbol . You can also confirm order rows as delayed in the procedures Register Purchase Order, Import EDI Order Responses in the Purchase module and the Rescheduling Suggestion - In, in the Inventory module.