Under Format delivery period you can select the which format you want to use to display the delivery period in the list. The following alternatives exist:
- YYWW - Shows the delivery period as 0115, for week 15 of year 2001.
- YYWWD - Shows the delivery period as 01151, for day 1 and week 15 of year 2001.
- Date - Shows the delivery period in the date format selected in Windows, such as 06.04.01 that would be the equivalent of the above period format.
If you classify the list by Period and select list type Only total, you can decide which period to use here. The following alternatives are available:
- Total / Day
- Total / Week
- Total / Month
- Total / Quarter
- Total / Year
If you have classified by Period, you can also select period alternative. The available alternatives are:
- Current
- Initial
- Requested