Troubleshooting - Printing Transport Labels

A common problem occurring during printing to a local label printer that is a shared in the network, is that the users do not have sufficient user rights to transfer the printouts from MONITOR on their computers to the print queue on the computer where the label printer is installed.

If printing of transport labels from the Print Shipping Documents procedure fails, please check if it - according to the instruction below - could be the an access error in the network that is causing the problem.

In the instruction below we assume that the printer's UNC file path is the same as in the example in the section Printer Settings for Printing of STE Labels.

  1. Create a text file in a local folder and name it for example test.txt. The folder should be easy to access from the Command Prompt (for example C:\Temp) on the computer from where the user failed to print from MONITOR.
  2. Open the file using the Notepad and type a dummy text, save and close the file.
  3. Open the Command Prompt (cmd.exe) and go to the local folder where you created the text file.
  4. Type copy test.txt \\pc-utlastningen\zebra and press Enter.
  5. If you in the window see the message 1 file(s) copied then the users have access rights to transfer printouts (files) over the network to the print queue for this label printer.
    If you on the other hand see the message Access denied and that 0 file(s) copied, then there is an access problem for the users on the computer where the label printer was installed in Windows. This can then be corrected by performing the steps below.
  6. Log on as Administrator on the computer where the label printer has been installed in Windows.
  7. Right-click on the folder C:\Windows\System32\spool\PRINTERS in the Explorer and select Properties...
  8. Go to the Security tab and click on the Edit... button and configure Full access to the folder for the groups Creator owner and Domain users.