Configuration Files
The configuration file called Monitor.ini is the link between the client and the database server. This file will determine, among other things, which database will be used for each company, while it also contains several different settings for the connection to the database server.
There is also a personal configuration file for the individual user. The system creates this personal file for each registered MONITOR user. The file name is predefined to be the same as the user name in MONITOR. For example, the user name Charlie has a file called Charlie.ini. In this file different personal settings are saved such as for example settings made in My windows... and Customize... under Settings on the Window menu and in other places in MONITOR, which record was last open, etc. You can also make exceptions for certain settings in Monitor.ini using the personal ini-file, such as which company should be open during startup.
You will find the configuration files in the Monwin\ini directory. Normally, you should not have to change or add any parameters in the configuration files, but there are however a few common settings that it is good to be aware of and which may need to be changed in the Monitor.ini. Such as, which company should open during startup, and if a logon window should be displayed, general for all users. However, the users do not have to make manual settings in their personal ini-files since such alterations are made from the graphical user interface in MONITOR.
Below you will find descriptions and examples of different settings in the Monitor.ini that might be good to know. Some of the settings have corresponding settings in the database server, please see the section Configuration of Database Server.
In the [Database] section there are parameters in common for all company databases in the system. The following rows exist as standard:
Connectstring=DRIVER={SQL Anywhere 17};ServerName=monwin;CommLinks=ShMem,tcpip{HOST=SERVER1}
The first 4 rows declare the name of a few parameters. DBN (DataBaseName), UID (UserID), PWD (PassWorD) and DBF (DataBaseFile). These do not have to be changed.
The Connectstring row has a number of parameters separated with a semicolon ";" on the row. It is first described which driver that is used DRIVER={SQL Anywhere 17}.
Then follows the name of the database server Servername=monwin (corresponds to the -n monwin parameter in the service for the database server).
After that there is a specification of which communication links that are used Commlinks=ShMem,tcpip, that are Shared Memory and TCP/IP (corresponds to the -x TCPIP parameter in the service on the database server).
Then follows the sub-parameters for the communication links, it is the host name on the server {HOST=SERVER1} (in the example the computer name is "SERVER1" on the database server).
The IP address of the server can be entered instead of computer name if that works better. Then you should enter or
It is also possible to enter a specific port after HOST or IP, as sub-parameters to the communication links. For example {HOST=SERVER1;PORT=49152}. The standard port in SQL Anywhere is 2638 unless a specific port has been entered.
The parameters Servername and Commlinks can also be entered specifically on each row for company database in the [Company] section below, which will then override the same parameters in the Connectstring row. It is also possible to entirely exclude these parameters on the Connectstring row in case they are included on each row for the company databases.
You can add the row Disconnect which means that the MONITOR client itself will disconnect the database connection after the entered time (given in seconds). For example, Disconnect=7200 results in that the clients will disconnect after 2 hours. This is useful so that clients will not lose the connection because of external factors, such as the database server's time-out parameter (-ti) or that an energy saving mode shuts down the network interface card (NIC) in the client computer. These are circumstances that result in program run errors for the clients.
When this row is included in the Monitor.ini you will see a small connecting plug in the status bar in MONITOR. In this field you can then also manually connect/disconnect to the database server by double-clicking in the field.
In the [Company] section there is a row for each company database in the system. In a system with one (1) company database and the EIM database (the EIM database - called EFH in the rows below - is included in the supplement Electronic Invoice Management) you will see the following rows:
001=Company name;DBN=FTG_001;DBF= c:\monwin\db\001\monitor.db
EIM_001=Company name;DBN=EIM_001; DBF=C:\monwin\db\001\monitor_efh.db;
If there are several companies in the system, the EIM database will be split up into one database per company. See example below.
EIM_001=Company name;DBN=EIM_001; DBF=C:\monwin\db\001\monitor_efh.db;
EIM_002=Comapny name;DBN=EIM_002; DBF=C:\monwin\db\002\monitor_efh.db;
It is good to know what the parameters in these rows means. For example, the first row here describes to which database number the first company in the system belongs, 001=Company name, the database name DBN=FTG_001, and the local path to the database file on the server DBF=C:\Monwin\db\001\monitor.db
As mentioned before you can also add the Servername and Commlinks parameters from the Connectstring row above, in rows for company databases. This is useful for example if you need an additional database server service and have some company databases be managed by that service or if there should be other settings for the communication link in those company databases.
001=Name Company1;DBN=FTG_001;DBF=C:\Monwin\db\001\monitor.db
002=Name Company2;DBN=FTG_002;DBF=C:\Monwin\db\002\monitor.db
003=Name Company3;ServerName=monwin2;CommLinks=ShMem,tcpip{HOST=SERVER1;PORT=49152};DBN=FTG_003;DBF=C:\Monwin\db\003\monitor.db
In the examples above the company databases 001 and 002 are managed by the database server monwin (determined by the parameters in the general row Connectstring) and on the row for company database 003 it is entered that the database server monwin2 in another database server service should manage that database. Please note that the database server monwin2 must communicate via another TCP/IP port. In the example, port 49152 is used instead of the standard port 2638. Port 2638 is used by the database server monwin according to the Connectstring row since the port is not specified in the example above under [Database]. Otherwise there will be a port conflict between the two database servers monwin and monwin2 since they are on the same network.
In the [Start] section you will find the following row as standard:
The StartUpLanguage row describes which language that should be used by default during the startup (0=Swedish, 1=English, 3=Finnish, etc.). The number that is entered here corresponds to the language order where it also can be selected under Settings | Change language... on the Window menu.
Here you can also add the Company row which determines which company database that should open by default for all users when they start MONITOR. Company=002 means that company database 002 should open by default. However, you should note that each user also can decide which company that should be opened be default with a personal setting. This information is then saved in the personal ini-file which will then override this setting. This is done under File | Change company...
You can choose to always display a logon window when all users start MONITOR. This can be useful if you for example want to have an extra safety feature when you start MONITOR, so that no unauthorized user can access the program. If you configure Login as "1" the login window will appear.
The [PenSettings] section can be added in case the supplement called Document Viewing has been installed and you print linked AutoCad drawings. It is then possible to here define the line thickness that should be applied for the different pens in the AutoCad drawings, which can be printed as linked documents. It is possible to enter up to 255 different pens with line thickness from 0 to infinity. The smallest difference between two pens is 0.1.
An example of PenSettings can look like this:
If a pen should have the same thickness as in the drawing you should enter the value -1, or as an alternative you do not define that pen under PenSettings.
If the PenSettings section is not included in the Monitor.ini it means that the same line thickness will be used for all different pens in the drawing.
You have to test the value for each pen under PenSettings until you are happy with the result.
On beforehand, it is not possible to determine to which pen in the drawing that the pen in the PenSettings is linked to.
If you enter PreferencePreConvOffice=0 in the [MONVIEW] section the Office function will be turned off so that the document viewer itself must load and interpret office files.