Disconnecting Clients during No Traffic

Using the setting called -ti [minutes] you can configure the time that the database server should wait before it disconnects a client that is connected but is not sending any queries to the database. The default time before the database server disconnects a client is 240 minutes during which time there has been no traffic. Once the database disconnects you, you must restart the MONITOR client.

In order to avoid being disconnected we recommend you to enter a larger value. If you for example enter -ti 480 it will be 480 minutes (8 hours), which should be sufficient for any user. If you use recording terminals, you might have to enter a value that will suffice even for a long weekend, for example -ti 10000 (approximately 1 week). You can also enter the value -ti 0 (infinitely) to make sure that no disconnection at all will occur.

In certain cases -ti 0 does not work. Then you instead have to enter a very large value, such as -ti 10000.