Startup Parameters for AutoRuns

Startup Parameter A

In order for the AutoRun feature to work, you must add the startup parameter A=1 (AutoStart) for automatic runs in MONITOR. You enter the startup parameter as an argument in a scheduled startup task of MONITOR on the computer that will AutoRun the Run Netting procedure. It can for example look like this:

Startup parameter A=1 as argument in a scheduled task.

The startup parameter starts MONITOR, runs all the procedures marked for "AutoStart" and then automatically shuts down on the computer without using any dialog boxes that usually require user input. Also read about Scheduling AutoRuns.

When you have selected the procedure Run Netting for AutoStart, MONITOR will automatically open Run Netting and activate the "Display List" function and then start the procedure with the "Run" command, using the search form tab that was saved in the previous step. When the run is completed, MONITOR will be shut down.

If you have the supplement MONITOR Agent installed, you can instead enter A=<sequence number> that was created in the AutoRuns procedure, for example A=5. Then it is automatic runs of the procedures in that sequence that will be performed. Using the MONITOR Agent it is possible to AutoRun considerably more procedures than the Run Netting.

Startup Parameter U

Startup parameter U=<user> can also be added as an argument and configure for the user in MONITOR that you earlier selected to perform the Run Netting. This guarantees that it is this user that starts MONITOR and executes the netting run. Otherwise it will be the user account in Windows that you selected to run the scheduled task that will attempt to start MONITOR. For example it can show the following if it is user MONAGENT that should run MONITOR:

Startup parameter U=<user>.

A special user called MONAGENT is included in the system. It is intended only to be used for automatic runs of MONITOR, with or without the MONITOR Agent.

Startup Parameter W

Startup parameter W=1 (Wait) can be used if several AutoRuns of MONITOR should take place after another or if another program should be automatically started after the MONITOR AutoRuns.

Startup parameter W is used in combination with startup parameter A and it means that the next AutoRun cannot be started until the AutoRun with W=1 has been completed.

The startup parameter also makes it possible to see the time when the AutoRun finished. This info is found under Activity Status in the Task Scheduler in Windows. Therefore it is also useful when you only have one automatic run or when other automatic runs take place at other times of the day or week, and not in a row.

The startup parameter is added as an argument in a scheduled activity for starting MONITOR. It can for example look like this:

Startup parameter W=1.