Printout Samples

Here you can see different printout samples for the list types available under the Create tab, as well as read some comments regarding each list type.


A Standard list shows - Part number, Name, Type, Part code *, Part category, Standard price, Location, Balance and Unit, Conversion factor, Alternate unit, Traceability and Stock update. * Please note that the Part code column is not shown if you have marked All warehouses.

Here you can update the following part information: Name, Type, Part code, Part category, Unit, Conversion factor, Alternate unit, Traceability and Stock update.


Sample of the Standard list.

ClosedPlanning Info

The Planning info list shows planning information for the part, such as: Type, Part code, Category, ABC code, Safety stock, Reorder point, Safety time, Lot sizing rule (days of grace in italics), EOQ, Round-off quantity, Minimum quantity, Max. quantity, Lead time, Annual volume, Current supplier and Lead time supplier.

If you use the supplement Warehouse Management you will also see the columns Warehouse (WH) and Warehouse purchase (WH purch) when you have selected the option Show all warehouses under the Change warehouse button in the Window functions.

Here you can update the following information: ABC code, Safety stock, Safety time, Lot sizing rule, EOQ, Round-off quantity, Minimum quantity, Max. quantity, Lead time, Annual volume, Lead time supplier and Warehouse purchase.

You can view and update Safety stock, EOQ and Minimum quantity in work days, provided that the part has got an annual volume. In order to do this you must select the option Show in work days which can be found in the Info menu using the right mouse button. When you have selected this option, the affected columns will be shown in italics.

Sample of a Planning Info list.

If you have activated the setting Show Annual Budget/Volume and EOQ with Current Daily Pace?, under Requirements planning under the Inventory tab in the Settings procedure, it is possible to display and update the EOQ and annual volume with current pace, and update the quantity per location. This is useful when you use the Stock Refill System (SRS) and have seasonal fluctuation.

In order to view the Planning info list this way you select the option Show current pace + quantity / location, which can be found in the Info menu using by right-clicking.

Sample of the Planning info list with the option Show current pace + quantity / location.

ClosedAdditional Name

The Additional name list shows the text entered in the "Additional name" field under the General tab in the Update Part - Inventory. Here it is only possible to update the Additional name.


Sample of an Additional name list.


The Comments list shows the text entered in the "Comment..." field under the General tab in the Update Part - Inventory. This list also contains information about Part type, Part code, Part category and Standard price. No updates can be made in this list.


Sample of the Comments list.


The Translation list shows the part names and the translations that exist for each part in the language that was selected under the Create tab. You can select any one of the languages created in the Languages procedure in the Global Settings, or show all languages as in the sample list below. Once the list has been loaded on your screen, you can modify or add optional translations.


Sample of a Translation list.


The Block/Notify list shows information regarding status, blocks and messages regarding the parts. It is also possible to enter a status, block or notify directly in the list. You can also see when the block/notification was entered and by whom. The list also contains information about part name, part code and part category.

Sample of the Block/Notify list.

ClosedExtra Info

In this list you can see and update fields from the Extra Info tab. You can adjust the list by using Properties... by right-clicking and opening the Info menu.