Printout Samples
Here you can see a sample of the list, containing explanations for the different columns.
Under OK you can choose which parts you want to include in the list. By default, the system selects all parts with a previously saved annual budget.
The CM column shows the calculation method saved for this part. If it is a new part that does not have a previously saved calculation method, this column shows an M. This column can be changed, if you selected the Part’s calculation method under the Create tab, which means that this calculation method applies to each part during calculation. For the other calculation methods, the list only shows you which calculation method has been saved to the part.
At the bottom of the list you will see a heading CM, which shows the calculation method selected under the Create tab. That is, the calculation method used during calculation, unless you have selected to use the Part’s calculation method. "M" means Manual , "E" means Exponential smoothing and a number means Sales according to the number of months.
Old annual budget shows the previously saved annual budget value. This can be changed prior to calculation, in which case that will be the value used during calculation (for example, when using Exponential smoothing).
New annual budget is the calculated value, and the column that will be saved when you click Save. You can always change a new annual budget manually before Saving.
The column Diff displays the difference between the old and the new budget. Diff % shows the difference in percent.
In the Save column you can save the current budget. The Save option is selected by default.
The columns Old value and New value show the budget's value. The column to the far right shows the difference between the old and the new value.
You start the calculation by clicking Run in the Window functions.
Sample of a list.