Printout Samples

Here you can see a few printout samples of what the lists in the Estimate Annual Volume procedure can look like, depending on the parameters that you selected under the Create tab.

ClosedEstimate Annual Volume

Once you have selected Display List under the Create tab, you will see a list in a kind of "intermediate" step, which shows the selection of parts that fulfilled your selection criteria, as well as which annual volume value will be the basis for the estimate. At this stage, you can deselect some parts in the Include column. You can also change the value in the Annual volume column before starting the run. At the far right you will see the Amount which is the annual volume x the price. At the very bottom you will see a total of the annual volume and amount.

Selection of parts prior to the estimation.

Once you start estimating the annual volume by clicking the Run in the Window functions, the program will show the results of the structure explosion including the old annual volume, new annual volume and the difference between them in percent.

A list sample containing the results from Estimate annual volume in the Estimate Annual Volume procedure.

Before saving the estimate, you can modify the suggested new annual volume in the New annual volume column, if needed, for example by rounding-off the values. You can also deselect the parts that you do not want to save with a new annual volume by unchecking the Save column. During Save, the New annual volume in the list is saved in the Estimated annual volume field on the parts.

At this point, we recommend you use the Filter List and Sort List functions in the Windows functions, to select the range of parts that you want to use.

ClosedCalculate Loading

Once you have selected Display List under the Create tab, you will see a list in a kind of "intermediate" step, which shows you the selection of parts that fulfilled your selection criteria, as well as which annual volume value will be the basis for the estimate. At this stage, you can deselect some parts in the Include column. You can also change the value in the Annual volume column before you start the run.

Selection of parts prior to the loading calculation.

Once you start calculating the loading by clicking Run in the Window functions, the program shows the results of the structure explosion. The results is either shown as a total (one row per work center), or in detailed form (one row per operation in each work center).

If you have not selected Default detailed under the Create tab, you can change the list after calculation by right-clicking and selecting Show detailed in the Info menu.

In the detailed list you will see the values under EOQ in italics, if the part did not have any previously saved EOQ. Instead, the system used the value entered in the EOK (if missing) under the Create tab. The Order quantity in the list is rounded-off to the nearest higher whole number. The Setup time column shows the preparation’s setup time multiplied by the order quantity. The Unit time column shows the preparation’s setup time multiplied by the part quantity. Total time is multiplied by the selected cost factor (1-7) under the Create tab, and presented in the Cost field. At the far right you can see Man-hours which represents the Total time multiplied by the staffing factor for the work center. There are no times shown for subcontracts, only the calculated costs.


A list sample containing the results from Calculate Loading in the Estimate Annual Volume procedure.