Printout Samples

Here you can see samples of the different lists with their respective explanation and how to use it.

In all lists you can reduce the lead time with the percentage entered under the Create tab. To do this, you open the Info Menu by right-clicking.

ClosedSafety Stock, Classified by Part Number

This list shows the safety stock value (SS) per part and total for the selected range of parts. The value is SS x Price. Apart from the value you can also see Type, ABC Code, Annual Volume, Safety Stock and Price for the part. The daily pace is Annual volume / Days worked per year. In the "Days" column the safety stock is presented in days and it is calculated as: SS / Daily pace.


Sample of a Safety stock list classified by Part number.

ClosedSafety Stock, Classified by ABC Code

This list shows a total value of the range of parts' safety stock per ABC code, and a total value for all ABC codes. The current value is the total value of Price x Daily pace for the range of parts. The number of days is Value / Current value.


Sample of the Safety stock list, classified by ABC code.

ClosedAverage Stock, Classified by Part Number

In the image below you will a description of an average stock. In the image you can see a so called "saw tooth chart", often used in different production planning literature. The chart describes stock level or stock consumption for periods of time, with stock refilling intervals and it also shows different affected terms.


Image of a "Saw Tooth Chart" with an explanation of the average stock.

EOQ - Economic Order Quantity
SS = Safety Stock
AS = Average Stock
ROP = Reorder Point
LT = Lead Time

The Average stock list is automatically printed in landscape orientation. The list shows the calculated balance and value of the Average stock and Current stock, as well as the difference between these. The values are shown per part and as total for the selected range of parts. Apart from these values you can (per part) also see Type, ABC Code, Annual Volume, Safety Stock, EOQ, Price and Daily Pace. At the end of the list you will see the same values but as Balance in Days, how many days the stock will last with the current daily pace.

Average Stock Balance = SS + EOQ / 2
Average Stock Value = (SS + EOQ / 2) x Price
Current Stock Value = Current Stock Balance x Price
Difference Value = Average Stock Value - Current Stock Value
Daily Pace = Annual volume / Days Worked per Year
Balance in Days Average = Average Stock Balance / Daily Pace
Balance in Days Current = Current Stock Balance / Daily Pace
Difference = Balance in Days Average - Balance in Days Current


Sample of the left portion of an Average Stock list.


Sample of the right portion of an Average Stock list.

According to the Tip box under the Create tab this list allows you to, classified by part number, analyze the effects that a changed safety stock and EOQ quantity have for the average stock. These values can be modified directly in the list using the "Find" feature in the Safety stock and/or EOQ columns. You can, for example, analyze with 10% reduction. You can also make lead time reduction, as we have described earlier.


Tip box under the Create tab.

ClosedAverage Stock, Classified by ABC Code

This list shows (total per ABC code) the value of average stock and current stock, difference and daily pace. Further to the right in the list you will see the same values but as Balance in Days. At the end of the list you will see the availability in %.

Daily Pace = (Daily Pace x Price)
Balance in Days Average = Average Stock / Daily Pace
Balance in Days Current = Current Stock / Daily Pace
Difference = Average Stock - Current Stock
Availability = Share of Parts with Balance > 0


The Average stock list, classified by ABC code.

ClosedTurnover Rate, Classified by Part Number

This list is printed in landscape orientation. The list shows calculated turnover ratio and calculated average stock. In the list you can also calculate actual turnover ratio in order to compare to the calculated turnover ratio. At the end of the list you will see the current average stock and actual consumption loaded from the inventory log.

Calculated Turnover Ratio = Annual Volume / (SS + EOQ / 2)
Actual Turnover Ratio = (See "Calculate Actual Turnover Ratio" Below.)
Difference = Calculated Turnover Ratio - Actual Turnover Ratio
Calculated Average Stock = Annual Volume / Calculated Turnover Ratio
Actual Average Stock = Actual Consumption / Actual Turnover Ratio
Actual Consumption = (See "Calculate Actual Turnover Ratio" Below).

Weighted average value for:
Calculated Turnover Ratio = Annual Volume x Price / (SS + EOQ / 2) x Price
Actual Turnover Ratio = (See "Calculate Actual Turnover Ratio" Below.)
The weighted average values derive from the greyed values on the same row in the list. These values show consumption and average stock measured in money. Example: Calculated turnover ratio in the list example is 3279850 / 67446.


Sample of the left portion of a Turnover Rate list.


Sample of the right portion of the Turnover ratio list.

According to the Tip box under the Create tab this list allows you to, classified by part number, analyze the effects that a changed turnover rate and EOQ quantity have for the average stock. These values can be modified directly in the list using the "Find" feature in the Safety stock and/or EOQ columns. You can, for example, analyze with 10% reduction. You can also make lead time reduction, as we have described earlier. However, these changed values are not saved on the part.


Tip box under the Create tab.

Please Note! If the Save calc. turnover ratio alternative has been selected under the Create tab, the value will be saved in the list for the part in case the list is saved. This means that if values of the safety stock and EOQ have been changed according to the above tip, the changed turnover ratio will be saved. However, it is possible to reset by reloading the list and save it again.

ClosedTurnover Rate, Classified by ABC Code

This list shows, total per ABC code, calculated and actual turnover ratio and also difference. The list also shows calculated and actual consumption, as well as calculated and current average stock.

Calculated Turnover Ratio = Calculated Consumption / Calculated Average Stock
Actual Turnover Ratio = Actual Consumption / Current Average Stock


The Turnover rate list, classified by ABC code.

ClosedCalculate Actual Turnover Ratio

Calculation of actual turnover ratio is made via the inventory log. All transactions that have occurred within the selected time interval are calculated according to the following formula:

Actual Turnover Ratio (X) = Y/Z.

Weighted Average Value for Actual Turnover Ratio = Y x Price / Z x Price.

Y = Last Year's Consumption 1, Z = Last Year's Average Stock.

Last year's consumption is calculated one year back in time per part. All withdrawals from the inventory log are included, for example physical inventory etc. (see Historical Inventory Movements).

Last year's average stock is calculated one year back in time per part according to the formula: Current balance of each inventory log record x Number of days the balance applied for / Actual days.

The number of days the balance applied for can be: the number of days between the start date within the date interval and the first log record's date, number of days between two log records' date or number of days between the last log record's date and stop date within the date interval.

Actual days is the number of days within the date interval selected under Calculate actual under the Create tab.

The printout samples below are only available when you are using the supplement Stock Location System.

All of the printout samples below are classified by part number.

ClosedSafety Stock - Calculate Location Requirement

In the list below you can see how many locations you need for the safety stock.

The Safety stock list - Calculate location requirement.

ClosedAverage Stock - Calculate Location Requirement

In this list you can see different stock settings per part, quantity/location, average location requirement and the current location requirement.

The Average stock list - Calculate location requirement.

By using the Info menu (when right-clicking) you can select a total list that shows the location requirement per location type.

The Average stock list - Calculate location requirement (total list).

ClosedTurnover Rate - Calculate Location Requirement

In this list you can see the actual location requirement during a selected time period.

The Turnover rate list - Calculate location requirement.