The Activities Tab

Under the Activities tab you can register activities and events regarding a part. It can be different events in the creation of a part or activities regarding quality work. Under this tab you can create a work queue for a specific part with an assigned responsible user. Here you can also gather e-mail messages regarding the part.

Under the Activities heading you can register and report different types of activities regarding the part. Activities can for example be to create a preparation, check the standard price and such. To facilitate the activity management you can insert a template with activities. You create templates in the Activities procedure. In the Activities procedure you can also set a default template. This template's activities will then be loaded automatically to the Activities tab when registering a new part. If a planned activity is not performed, the system can send a reminder about it. By checking the setting Create records in Outlook/Notes calendar, you can choose to integrate part activities with its existing calendar system (Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes). You select calendar system under Fax / E-mail under the System tab in the Settings procedure. You can also select to Show finished activities, in other words, you will also see activities with status Finished.

Under the heading E-mail log you can log your e-mail correspondence regarding the part in a table by using drag and drop. You can open an e-mail message by double-clicking on it or by clicking on the button Open in the table. By using the button New e-mail you can create a new e-mail message.

Under the heading Activities/contacts log you will find a text log, a simple form of word processor that is used to enter information regarding activities, events and other notes concerning the part. These may concern planned activities as well as already finished activities. Besides notes, you can also insert hyperlinks to websites, e-mail messages and files. To make it easier to create notes in the text log you can use the button called Insert note.

"Drag and drop" means that a selected e-mail message is dragged from for example the inbasket in the e-mail program and is dropped in MONITOR. Here the Drag and drop function of e-mail messages works in two different ways: Drag and drop of e-mail messages to the table E-mail log, adds the message to just that table. Drag and drop of e-mail messages to the text log under Activities/contacts log, creates a hyperlink in the text log and the e-mail message is just added to the E-mail log. Please note that the drag and drop only applies when using the 32-bit version of Outlook.