
The Calculations heading shows calculation information about current and future standard prices, with a distribution of the material cost, the processing cost etc., if the standard price comes from a saved calculation.

Even if a calculation has been saved to a standard price, you can still change the standard price under the General tab or in other ways.

Distribute per Calculation

In the calculation's distribution, you will see the costs for the respective Material, Subcontracting and Setup cost portion according to the lot size for which the calculation was created. The Unit cost will be shown in the lot size for which the calculation was created. Throughput time (the time it takes from start to finish in the manufacturing process) is shown in work days. And lastly, you can see Throughput time including material procurement in work days which is calculated in the pre-calculation.

The Throughput time applies to the entire structure of M-parts. The field (of which S-part) shows which portion of the cost comes from incorporated S-parts in the structure.

The fields for setup and unit costs allow you to see the distribution from different cost factors, by clicking on the information button to the right of the field, or by using the shortcut key F3. The equivalent buttons for material and subcontract show the portions that correspond to SO (Storage overhead) and SC (Subcontract cost) in percent.

Info regarding the Setup cost distribution.