The Saved Calculations Button

Each calculation that you save, is saved to a register. By using the Saved calculations button, you can open a window which allows you to see the part’s saved calculations. This window shows all the calculations in chronological order, containing information about when, how and by whom the calculation was created as well as in which procedure. By "how" we mean which price alternative, which cost factor alternative and which lot size the calculation was created for.

The window shows the calculation's result in the form of a price and the price allocation (distribution of costs), as well as any comments entered for each calculation. The Type column shows if the calculation has been saved to the Current (C) or Future (F) standard price, or Only calculation register (O). The latest saved calculations are given the digits 1 for C, 2 for F and 3 for O. There can only be one record of this type. Previously saved calculations are given the digit 7 for type O, 8 for type C and 9 for type F. There can be several records of this type.