Lead time

Lead time is used for purchased parts and packaging parts when they are purchased. For manufactured parts, it can be used for information purposes. Lead times describe the "replacement time" for purchased parts. During order suggestions, the system uses lead times to calculate a reorder period based on a requested delivery period. During pre-calculations, the system calculates the throughput time including material procurement. It also applies the lead time for P-parts that use lot sizing rule Lot-for-lot. Lead times are always entered in the work days unit.

If the system has been configured to show the period in the date format YYWW, the Order Window and other windows will be displayed in weeks. It would then be appropriate to enter the value in number of weeks x 5, since the working days unit is always entered.

If the lead time appears in italics, it means that a lead time has been entered on a supplier link, or that the part is manufactured by the company.