Lot sizing rule

A lot sizing rule is used for order suggestions during requirement calculations or as part information. The lot sizing rule determines how large a quantity the order suggestion should have, once a requirement has arisen. The different lot sizing rules available in the system are:

Part Types and Lot Sizing Rules

The different lot sizing rules that are available for a particular part depends on the part type that was selected for the part. The table below shows the available options. The lot sizing rule that is followed by an asterisk (*) is the one that the system automatically selects for each respective part type, either when you register new parts or modify the part type of an existing part.

Part Type

Lot Sizing Rules




F*, B, P


L*, F, B, P


L*, F, B, P


L*, F, B, P

Grace Period

If the lot sizing rule L, F or P is selected, you can in the field grace per. enter a grace period in number of work days for the part. The setting General grace period (creates time shortage instead of material shortage), under the heading Requirements Planning under the Inventory tab in the Settings procedure, determines generally the grace period for parts with the lot sizing rules L, F and P, if no grace period has been entered.