
Here you can select parts using the available alternatives. The alternatives that the list can be classified by have an asterisk (*) below.

You can select parts via manufacturing orders using the alternatives:

You can select parts via customer orders using the alternatives:

You can select parts via purchase orders using the alternatives:

Monitoring Delivery for Important Purchase Orders

In order to achieve the best functionality, to reduce the Order List - Purchase with those orders that must be monitored so that no shortages occur, you must do as follows:

  1. Select using the purchase order number (at the bottom of the selection list)
    from "1" to "z". The list will display all the parts that have purchase orders.
  2. Enter the Period (for example, 2 weeks ahead).
  3. Select Show... Parts without shortage
  4. Select Show... Parts without reservations
  5. Select Show... Supplier links
  6. Select Level Detailed
  7. Load the list using Display List. The list will now include all the parts that have purchase orders (the equivalent of Order List - Purchase).
  8. Finally, select Recalculate without applying orders in the Info menu. The system will now recalculate the available balance, without taking orders into consideration. Read more under The Information Menu Using the Right Mouse Button.